Category: Is it Safe While Pregnant

mercury-levels-Safe fish for pregnant moms | American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Mercury Levels in Fish

Despite the previous concern regarding mercury levels in fish, the FDA now recommends that women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, or plan on becoming pregnant consume

pregnancy and dental work | American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Pregnancy and Dental Work

Is Having Dental Work While Pregnant Safe? Pregnancy and dental work questions are common for expecting moms. Preventive dental cleanings and annual exams during pregnancy

acne-during-pregnancy | American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Acne During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, elevated hormone levels can bring a variety of skin changes, which makes acne during pregnancy a common complaint. Acne can be treated by

wine and pregnancy | American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Alcohol and Pregnancy

When you consume alcohol during pregnancy, so does your baby, because alcohol passes freely through the placenta to your baby. If you choose to drink alcohol

is-shrimp-safe-during-pregnancy--cocktail-sauce | American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Eating Shrimp During Pregnancy

Every pregnant woman wants to eat well during her pregnancy, and a common question is, “What is safe to eat while pregnant?” Most women have

Taking tums during pregnancy | American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

TUMS During Pregnancy

Heartburn is a common discomfort experienced during pregnancy. However, many women experience heartburn for the first time after getting pregnant. Generally, it is harmless but

exercise-guidelines-pregnant-woman-stretching-gym | American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Exercise During Pregnancy

There are usually many questions that come to mind when planning how to exercise during pregnancy. Physical exercise is a bodily activity that improves or

are e-cigarettes safe during pregnancy | American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Electronic Cigarettes and Pregnancy

Are electronic cigarettes (also known as e-hookah, e-pens, vape pens, or tanks) are battery-operated cigarettes that turn chemicals, including nicotine, into a vapor, which is