Category: Is it Safe While Pregnant

Pregnant woman getting hair treatment| American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Hair Treatment During Pregnancy

Can I Dye My Hair While Pregnant? Questions related to hair treatments during pregnancy are common. Most treatments involve chemicals and dyes which leave women

Foods to Avoid During Pregnancy
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Foods to Avoid When Pregnant

Eating well-balanced meals is important at all times, but it is even more so when you are pregnant. There are essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals

vaccination-during-pregnancy | American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Vaccination During Pregnancy

Taking Vaccinations While Pregnant Vaccinations are an important part of normal healthcare and help prevent a number of diseases, such as the flu, hepatitis, and

pica-cravings-during-pregnancy | American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Pica Cravings During Pregnancy

Unusual Cravings During Pregnancy Pica is the practice of craving substances with little or no nutritional value. Most pregnancy and pica-related cravings involve non-food substances

Herbs-and-pregnancy-spoon | American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Herbs and Pregnancy

Although medicine has replaced most natural supplements with a synthetic substitute, there are many who still look to natural herbs and vitamins to provide essential nutrition and

Herbal teas and pregnancy | American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

Herbal Tea and Pregnancy

Are Herbal Teas Safe During Your Pregnancy? Many alternative medicine health care providers feel that consuming certain herbal teas during pregnancy is a great way

maraijuana-leaf-pregnancy | American Pregnancy Association
Genetic Disorders & Birth Defects

Drug Relapse During Pregnancy

A Relapse Doesn’t Mean Recovery is Impossible Studies show that using drugs, legal or illegal, during pregnancy has a direct impact on your fetus. If

the right tuna for pregnancy| American Pregnancy Association
Is it Safe While Pregnant

The Right Tuna for Pregnancy

Can Pregnant Women Eat Tuna? Whole fish contain vital nutrients including Omega-3 fatty acid (DHA and EPA), protein, vitamins, and minerals such as iron. These