Let’s Explore What’s Next

No doubt all sorts of questions are swirling in your head as you consider your unplanned pregnancy. It’s okay to listen to the opinions of other people, but it’s you, not them who will have to live with results. Normally, the decisions we make are based on what is important to us. These articles will hopefully help you make a decision based on your values, beliefs, and circumstances in order to decide the best course.

Am-I-pregnant-or-something-else-woman-confused-pregnancy-test | American Pregnancy Association

Am I Pregnant?

Let’s first determine if you’re pregnant then look at next steps

Options for unplanned pregnancy

Abortion? Adoption? Parenting? You have multiple choices to consider
teenager-sad-scared-reading-pregnancy-test | American Pregnancy Association

Pregnancy Help

There are many programs to support you through pregnancy and beyond
contraception methods | American Pregnancy Association


How can you effectively prevent pregnancy? Explore your birth control medications, procedures, devices and behavior options.

Products & Tests

You need a fast pregnancy test, but which one? Plus, you need to know how to take it for accurate results.
