Category: Unplanned Pregnancy

spermicide - American Pregnancy Association
Birth Control Pills, Patches & Devices


Spermicide is a chemical product that comes in the form of a jelly, foam, or cream and is a barrier method of birth control. It prevents

types-of-birth-control | American Pregnancy Association
Birth Control Pills, Patches & Devices

Types of Birth Control

Contraception is a term used for methods of preventing pregnancy and is often referred to as birth control. From methods, medicine to devices, there are

Emergency contraception | American Pregnancy Association
Birth Control Pills, Patches & Devices

Emergency Contraception: Morning After Pill

Often referred to as the “morning-after pill,” it is a high dose of certain types of the birth control pill, made up of estrogen and progestin

cervical-cap | American Pregnancy Association
Birth Control Pills, Patches & Devices

Cervical Cap

The cervical cap is not a method of birth control that is widely used, and very few health care providers recommend this type of contraception. If you

Embrace Grace Mom and baby | American Pregnancy Association
Unplanned Pregnancy

Embracing the Unplanned Pregnancy

An unexpected pregnancy can be scary. It’s normal to feel lost and alone. We understand and we can help. There are many resources available to

birth control pack | American Pregnancy Association
Birth Control Pills, Patches & Devices

Why Has My Period Changed?

Birth control pills use hormones to regulate ovulation and switching brands or types may affect your menstrual cycle. Tracking your period can help you understand

how-pregnancy-occurs | American Pregnancy Association
Getting Pregnant

How Pregnancy Occurs

To know how pregnancy occurs it’s important to know the biology around your fertility cycle. To get pregnant, first ovulation must take place. This occurs

abstinence | American Pregnancy Association

What is Abstinence?

Abstinence simply means not having sex, and refraining from sexual intercourse. For most people, abstinence is the absence of sexual contact altogether.  It is the