Category: Healthy Pregnancy

Labor and Birth

Local Anesthesia

Local anesthesia is the use of drugs to prevent pain in a small area of the body. The anesthetic drug is injected into the area

Week by Week Newsletter

5 Weeks Pregnant

5 Weeks Pregnant: The 5th Week of Pregnancy Congratulations! Weeks four through seven are when most women discover they are pregnant. This week-by-week newsletter will

6 weeks pregnant | American Pregnancy Association
Week by Week Newsletter

6 Weeks Pregnant

Congratulations!  Week 6 is when most women discover they are pregnant. This week-by-week newsletter will keep you informed about what to expect for you and

7 weeks pregnant | American Pregnancy Association
Week by Week Newsletter

7 Weeks Pregnant

7 Weeks Pregnant Congratulations! Weeks four through seven are when most women discover they are pregnant. This week-by-week newsletter will keep you informed about what to

8 weeks pregnant | American Pregnancy Association
Week by Week Newsletter

8 Weeks Pregnant

8 Weeks Pregnant You have now completed almost two months! Here is what you can expect at eight weeks pregnant. If you have just found

9 weeks pregnant | American Pregnancy Association
Week by Week Newsletter

9 Weeks Pregnant

9 Weeks Pregnant Congratulations! You are one week closer to holding your bundle of joy. Here is a list of things to think about 9

10 weeks pregnant | American Pregnancy Association
Week by Week Newsletter

10 Weeks Pregnant

10 Weeks Pregnant You are almost through your first trimester! Here is what you should expect this week at 10 weeks pregnant. What changes are

Woman who is 11 weeks pregnant | American Pregnancy Association
Week by Week Newsletter

11 Weeks Pregnant

11 Weeks Pregnant You are one week closer to completing your first trimester! Here is a list of things to think about now that you’re