Category: Prenatal Testing

glucose-tolerance-tese-during-pregnancy-woman-nurse-doctor-office-blood | American Pregnancy Association
Pregnancy Concerns

Glucose Tolerance Test

Pregnant women can develop a condition known as Gestational Diabetes (diabetes brought on by pregnancy) which can pose a risk to both mother and baby. A glucose

amniocentesis-amniotic-fluid | American Pregnancy Association
Pregnancy Complications


Amniocentesis is a diagnostic test that may be recommended by your health care provider following an abnormal triple test result. Inherited or genetic concerns lead some parents

keepsake-Sonogram | American Pregnancy Association
Pregnancy Health and Wellness

Keepsake Ultrasounds

Commercial keepsake ultrasounds give families a sneak preview of their growing baby. Although these services might create special memories and an opportunity to determine the

fetal non-stress test | American Pregnancy Association
Pregnancy Complications

Fetal Non-Stress Test (NST)

The Fetal Non-Stress test is a simple, non-invasive test performed in pregnancies over 28 weeks gestation. The test is named “non-stress” because no stress is

biophysical-profile-doctor-medical-device-ultra-sound-pregnant-woman | American Pregnancy Association
Pregnancy Complications

Perfil Biofísico (PBF)

El Perfil Biofísico combina una evaluación de ultrasonido con una prueba no estresante (PNE) y está diseñado para determinar la salud fetal durante el tercer

illustration-healthy-bacterial-vaginosis | American Pregnancy Association
Pregnancy Complications

Triple Screen Test

Also Known as Triple Test, Multiple Marker Screening and AFP Plus The triple screen test is a maternal blood screening test that looks for three specific substances:

pregnancy blood test | American Pregnancy Association
Pregnancy Concerns

Understanding Pregnancy Blood Tests

Pregnancy blood test results are used to confirm a pregnancy. Blood tests are also apart of your routine prenatal care and you can expect one